Friday, September 7, 2012

Fieldstones like the Hirst Art Ones

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.. 
i wrote about my Hirst Arts like Dungeon 2.0 Work and told that i wrote a tutorial on this.
Well, here is the written Version of ...

How to build your own Fieldstone

First you need some Lego Stones (the Colour really doesn´t matter) and build a mold for your Master Stone. I use the size of 3 Dots (1 inch) * 2 Dots.
You can build bigger Sections, but than you need more than a spoon plaster.

Then you mix a spoon plaster with a little bit water.

Throw the plaster into the mold and wait at least 30 minutes, you can also wait longer but the stone is easier to carve as long as it is not completely dry.

Remove the Stone out of the mold, be careful here if you don´t want to start from Beginning.

Use a pencil to draw the actual stones on the Master Stone.

Then use Sculpting Tools or a knife to carve out the little stones. Move your Tool back and forth along the line. You can do this slowly if you are just starting a project like this for the first time.
When you defined the little stones you can give them a bit texture that they don´t look complete flat on one side.  

 There you got it a stone that look like a Hirst Art Fieldstone.

Have Fun with it and check out the video when you got the time.

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