Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Sculpt the Purple Tentacle from the Retro Video Game Classic Day of Tentacle

I begin by making a wire armature. Its only a twisted Wire with aluminum foil formed in a cone over it.

Then i put the ends of the wire in a cork that it stays fixed when i work on it.

Now i kneating a little bit of Fimo to make it soft and easy formable. I make a flat piece of it.

 That i roll around the aluminum foil cone and cut off the rest that i don´t need

 I smooth the whole figure out by using the flat side of the Sculptingtool and blend everything together.

 Then i roll a Fimo Snake and put it around the bottom part of the cone. Press the snake against the form and blend it together.

 I press a matchstick into the front side of the cone and form 3 holes.

Now i take a needle and draw a circle around every hole.

Now it already started to look like the rough form of the green tentacle.

 The top hole becomes the eye of the tentacle. With the Sculting Tool i press the top of the circle down and the edges a little bit up.

 With the middle circle i form the mouth by pressing the bottom part of the circle up.

When you are losing volume you can always add more Fimo. Make a little snake press it against the form where you need it and smooth it out with sculpting tools or a brush.

Always press the tools flat against the form to smooth it, you get a feeling for this very fast.

I make a little snake and shape it into a little s for the eyebrow and press it on the tentacle above the top circle.

Now its time to make the arms, form little cones and press them against the cone where the arm should be.

Blend it together with the cone, since the arm points upwards you push the Tool against the form and make downwards motions.

 For the other arm you use the same technique, but it points downwards, so you have to make  upwards motions to blend it onto the form.

 Smooth out the whole figure and you are ready to bake it and paint it. Hope you had Fun ;)

 You can also watch the video tutorial on Youtube when the upload is ready.

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